
  • Uncheck the Box

    For over forty years, if you wanted to see the latest music in the UK you turned on “Top of the Pops.” New, up-and-coming bands eagerly awaited the validation of success that an invite to appear on the TOTP stage represented. When they arrived the band “played” the song but really they were miming…

  • Chicago Women in Tech Conference – 2017

    “Scenes from A Restaurant: Lessons in Gender Equality”

  • Data Surveillance Will Lead to Autonomous Cars

    (cross-posted from my Medium.com page) One of the arguments made about autonomous vehicles, particularly in car-obsessed places like the U.S., is that a large group of people will never give up the “freedom” to drive themselves. They’ll have to pry the steering wheel from their cold, leather-driving-gloved, dead hands. That argument assumes that all…

  • Jumping the Cracks

    “We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard…” – John F. Kennedy at Rice University, announcing the Apollo Space Program I’m old enough to remember the residual thrill of the…

  • Everyone is in HR

    “A small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players” – Steve Jobs We tend to view the modern company as a loose collection of functional areas — a sort of “business biome” where, as long as every function performs its individual activities, the whole entity…

  • Clay Shirky – The Power of Social Media for Social Change

    Clay Shirky’s timely article on the power of social media to spread ideas and foster change. Written before Egypt, it’s a good example why the “Twitter revolution” is possible. http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/67038/clay-shirky/the-political-power-of-social-media

  • New York is Taxing…

    …Amazon.com. This is the first real challenge to the long-standing rule that online businesses without a physical presence in the state are not required to collect state sales tax. http://www.macworld.com/article/133276/2008/05/amazon.html